jueves, 27 de septiembre de 2007

It finally happened

It was just a matter of time, amazing that I escaped it those 3 months when I was here before, but today I finally did what I knew would happen one day. I electrocuted myself in the shower. It wasn't extremely painful, it was a really strange feeling. It was like I'd stubbed my finger really hard and then waves were radiating through my arm. This photo is of a pretty typical shower head here in Guatemala, though not the actual one with which I had my encounter. It's an electric water heater and most visitors who come here need a tutorial on how to use them. A high water flow means the water will be too cool, but with a low flow the electric heater is sufficient for heating it up and you have a nice shower. Kat and Jude taught me that when I came the first time last December, as well as warning me not to touch it. Mid-shower I was stretching my back, arms above my head, when zzzztttt!!! I don't even know which part I touched, but it got me good. I don't recommend it, but if you're interested to experiment with electrocution I guess this is the way to do it. Fortunately they do 110 volts here, but anyway. Yow.

Since I got here a few days ago, I've kind of just been waiting around for a meeting I'm supposed to have in Guatemala City before I make the 8 hour bus ride up north. I decided to hunker down in Antigua while I'm waiting since here, in comparison to Guatemala City, the ratio of cheap to safe for accommodations is more even. At first I had pretty sharp nostalgia for when I was here with my parents (see photo, taken last February), but that has subsided somewhat. I hadn't been talking to too many people since I got here, so in the interest of working the kinks out of my spanish conversation and also just to talk to someone I had a 4 hour lesson at one of the language schools here. We just gabbed the whole time, it was exactly as I'd hoped. At any rate, I am filling my time with my regular work and little incidentals, like I had to get a new chip for my cell phone. And thus my phone number is now 5185-5624 (add 011 and 502 to the front of that if you're calling from the US).

Tomorrow, exciting meetings in the city!

10 comentarios:

Morsa dijo...

wow, does the electric charge change your hair color to say... red? as in sex & city red?

how cool that you are back in guate, make sure you come visit mexico city!


Anita Sarah Jackson dijo...

Yi-hikes, Laurel!!! Sorry to hear about the electrocution! I'm glad you're posting on the blog. I've been thinking about you and we've been missing you!

FD dijo...

Dude- I HATE those showers. I dealt with them in Ecuador. It was seemed like a tradeoff between the frozen deluge or the scalding trickle. The trickle sort of feels like you're being peed on. I found it helps to pretend you are Dr. Frakenstien evertyime you throw the giant breaker on the wall..At least that's what worked for me.

~stacy dijo...

hmmm...i came here to make some smart remark about electrocution and hair color, and i see that someone beat me to it.

OK, then, be safe, and only stretch in the shower when you need that little bit of extra help waking up. ;)

Stefan & Bernie dijo...

Hello from Cape Town!

Nice to read your blog. We also have a blogspot going on currently at stefanandbernie.blogspot.com where you will soon read about my health misadventures in Namibia!


heidi dijo...

Take care sweetpea! Don't hurt yourself again.

Unknown dijo...

How can I follow up on FD's post? I'm laughing out loud in a bizarelly austere business office at the hotel in yaounde. C. Africa has been fascinating but I'll take Antigua anyday! Have fun and be SAFE (please)!

heidi dijo...

Was talking to my roommate about your incident and it was suggested that you wear some kind of shoe or sandal in the shower to ground you.

(It's funny how many responses you got for this incident.)

Lupus Wintermute dijo...

Have any superpowers manifested themselves since the incident? Flying? Super Spanish Comprehension? Shooting lighning bolts from your fingers? Increased ability to tolerate cold showers?

Beans dijo...

Ay yay yay! I feel you, girl. It seems like non-Western travel often leads to electrocution. Was zapped myself in Ghana with a fickle power source. That was a few weeks ago, and my fingernail still refuses to grow in properly! Hope you stay safe in the shower! xoxoxoxo