lunes, 1 de octubre de 2007

It's becoming routine

I actually shocked myself in the shower again last night, though this time it was not so much of a surprise, I knew I was running a risk. I was trying to adjust something on the shower head, when I felt the tingle. The part I was touching appeared all plastic, though, so I am not sure what parts are safely touchable and which are not. Perhaps I need a more advanced tutorial.

And it has been pointed out to me by Stacy that I mis-wrote the code for dialing out of the US when I posted my phone number. My number here is 011-502-5185-5624, not 001-etc. as I had originally posted.

Anyway, last Friday I went into the big bad city and had some meetings with folks involved in the park management. All turned out well, I kind of just crashed their gap analysis workshop, talked to the folks I needed to talk to, then skedaddled. On the way back to Antigua, the very full bus I was on suddenly and completely conked out. I've never witnessed a faster death of an automobile. It was like we coasted to a stop and then all the electricity failed. Maybe it's the new electro-magnetism I am carrying around with me since my shower incident. Batteries fail, hard drives erase... it's a mess. Anyway, it was dark, and they tried to clutch-start the bus by letting it roll backwards downhill. I put my head down on my arms, braced in crash position, but fortunately that did not happen, but nor did the engine start. In the end, all the passengers got off and we got into whichever buses stopped for us, little by little. A long trip!

Yesterday, Sunday, I left Antigua and came to Flores, the biggish urban area closest to where I am going to be doing my research. I'm starting out with the family that I stayed with last time, though since then they have converted the huge room I had all to myself into a dormitory style hostel. So I need to find something new, with more more privacy and room to spread out. I also want it to have cable TV. Let me know if you hear of anything.

3 comentarios:

heidi dijo...

You crack me up with the comment about the new electo-magnetic charge you are carrying around causing circuit failures all around you. Miss you a lot, Laurel.

profe dijo...

maybe you should only adjust the shower when the water is off. or wear rubber shoes in the shower? (i can't remember my high school physics very well.) at least it will keep your hair nice and shiny! -- maggie

~stacy dijo...

the thought of rolling down a hill in a broken-down bus in the dark gives me shivers. so glad to hear you didn't need the additional protection the crash position affords! what with all the home-grown electrocution and the makeshift roller coasters, you should try to be safe. ;)