jueves, 1 de febrero de 2007

One born every minute

A good thing about coming to a foreign country is that the oldest jokes in the book are made new again. Today, for example, I was talking to my maestro Mynor and I attemped to massage the word "naive" into a spanish version, but when that got me nowhere the dictionary yielded ingenuo and the closely related synonym for gullible, crédulo. So we talked about that for a bit, and I asked him if he knew that there wasn't an entry for crédulo in the dictionary, and he was like, "Really?" Ha! I then cracked him up with "why did the chicken cross the road?"

4 comentarios:

13 dijo...

time to bust out with the smelly dog joke, eh?

13 dijo...

btw, that last one was me, marion. i don't know why my blog name is now 13. weird.

heidi dijo...

he he!!!

Anita Sarah Jackson dijo...

still makes me laugh!
But I'm the type to forget jokes. You can tell me the same one a million times. :)