jueves, 21 de agosto de 2008

Giant Dog, So Big

Okay, I know this should no longer be mind blowing because of course puppies grow bigger, and since it's now clear that Perlita's no longer the sickly little thing on the verge of dying of malnutrition, nor is she a chihuahua, of course she's going to now be larger. But still! Look at that teeny little thing taking her first tentative bites of tuna exactly two months ago, in comparison to this giant hulk (okay, still quite dainty at around 15 pounds or so at the 4 month mark). It still blows my mind. It's funny because Esteban and I will look at her in the house and be like, "She's huge!" then we'll see her outside and be like, "So small!" Well, it is a big world out there and she is a friend to all dogs until taught otherwise. She's known around the neighborhood as being "juguetona," which means playful, but it also means she gets her ass beat by a few not so playful dogs around here. We're learning which ones, though, and staying close to intercede (hear that Negra? You better watch yourself!). Anyway, I just wanted to take one last opportunity to exclaim over her progress, and that's that.

Addendum: Yesterday I went to the Defensores office and talked to the woman who gave me Perla those two months ago. I hadn't seen her since only a few days afterwards. I'd been told she'd all of the sudden up and moved away, but it turns out that she'd just gone to Guatemala to take care of something. Anyway, she asked me about how the puppy was doing, blah blah blah, then after a bit I asked her about the other puppy she'd had, one that'd I'd seen walking around back on the day I got Perla, about her age but much stronger looking and with more meat on his bones. Turns out he died! They have another dog that is already a year old, so chances are that one will survive for a while longer. Of course this woman has also lost 3 out of her 9 children, sometimes there are not enough resources to give every person adequate care, let alone the dogs.

4 comentarios:

Unknown dijo...

So I was at work the other day, and we were having a "party" (aka they steal my lunch, and make me eat with the rest of the office staff). So we're talking about one of the Physics professors who documented former East Germany during the Holocaust by stationing his lady in front of various monuments before they were distroyed - and I was like, "OMG she was totally like that garden gnome!! Did she take a picture with Paris Hilton?" Dead silence...fun.

ALL THAT TO SAY - I appreciate the common "pearla does..." theme to your photos (e.g. Pearla does Belize, or Peala does a thatched-roofed hut in Livingston. I would say she was like that infamous garden gnome, but that joke bombed once in a big way so I'm a little hesitant to use it again...

By the way, Pearla's gangsta lean is pretty classic!

Unknown dijo...

uh...I should add an addendum that they don't actually "steal my lunch" it's more like they steal my lunch HOUR.

miriam dijo...

So, I looked at your photos and thought - wow she sure has gotten big! Then I read the text and, well, I think my cat weighs more than 15 lbs, though this may say more about Rufus's enormity than Perla's teensiness. Well, she certainly is lookin' good though.

heidi dijo...

oh wow, the lady who gave you the dog had 3 of her own kids die. geez. perla was certainly headed for death. what joy you have each brought each other. 15 pounds is a nice size, i wonder if she will get bigger...time will tell...