jueves, 26 de junio de 2008

Meet the newest member of our team

I wasn't exactly looking to get a dog, but it was in the back of my mind that if some day a dog in need came along, maybe I'd take it in. Well it finally came to pass last Saturday. I went to my office to pick something up and the guard wasn't there to let me in (off buying tortillas), so the ladies across the street invited me to come wait in the shade at their place. So I was chatting with them in their yard when this tiny little wobbly thing came along, and the ladies were like, 'Poor little thing, it's going to die. It doesn't like to eat.' Someone had given it to one of their daughters, but apparently it wasn't thriving on the standard Guatemalan pet diet of cast-off rice and tortillas. I figured if it had no appetite it was maybe a lost cause, but then they said that it loves fish, so that gave me hope. And after they said that it was going to die for the fifth time or so, I finally asked if maybe they'd like to let me have a try caring for it and they said sure, go for it. So she and I got in a tuk-tuk and then a launcha and went to my place in San Miguel. Here is a picture of here about to tuck into her first dish of tuna at my house. They said she's two months old, and the vet on Monday said she weighs 3 pounds. She looked really funny when I first got her because she was so skinny and here ears are so big that they were just ridiculously out of proportion. She's already noticibly put on weight, I've pulled about 50 ticks off her body, and her hair is growing in thicker so she already looks less ridiculous. Here are some more pictures from the weekend I got her, I'll put some newer ones with her looking a little less bag o' bones soon. I didn't come up with a name for her until Monday night. I brought her to the office that day and people quickly started calling her Rata and Dumbo, so I knew I had to come up with something fast, so that night when we got to the guard station where we're staying during the field work and one of the guards called her Perla, I was like, 'I'll take it!' So Perla it is! I think I ended up looking pretty ridiculous in front of the Guatemalans there at the guard station with the level babying I was providing her, but I think she's becoming a bit of a mascot there anyway. And I was kind of unsure of how my parents would greet the news given that they are currently caring for my other rescue dog, but my mom was happy to hear about it, not only for the sake of the dog but also so that I wouldn't be alone here. And in case you're worried about how Josie has been faring all these months, here's a recent pic from my parents.

3 comentarios:

heidi dijo...

LOVE the pics of Perla and the one of Josie.

I actually could see the bones on Perla and her ribs. Poor thing. And, 50 ticks would practically cover her entire little body.

Perla is a real sweetheart -- like you!

Unknown dijo...

Perla is soooooo cute.

We'll reserve the space behind Mom's recliner where Mudge used to escape from Ollie and Josie just for her ;-)


miriam dijo...

what a cutie! glad Perla is responding well to the improved care and diet. and Josie and Ollie are looking adorable as always. congratulations on your new addition.