lunes, 26 de noviembre de 2007


It took me a little while to figure out what I was seeing last night, but I witnessed a cockroach molting. At first I thought it was a very long white and brown bug, then I thought it was an albino cockroach and a normal cockroach humping (hey, if that's what you're into...), then as the fresh cockroach got a little distance from the shell of its former self, I finally figured it out. It's somewhat less inspiring than watching a butterfly emerge from its cocoon, as far as metaphors for transformation go. But the new fella sure looks fresh, doesn't he? I evicted him.

5 comentarios:

Terroar dijo...

here is a related story.

13 dijo...

omg. that's the grossest thing i've ever seen! it was all crunched up in there too. was he wet when he came out? did you touch him? sorry i couldn't respond sooner, i was a travelin' about. but i like how seeing this cockroach incident reminded you of seeing (or not being able to unsee) the glockenspiel. which one do you think is worse?

Laurel dijo...

Actually, I think we took his warning such to heart that I don't think I've seen the glockenspiel go off, ever, and I've been to Munich 2 times. With enough planning, it can be avoided. But maybe I did see it, and I can't remember, so is that the equivalent of unseeing it?

heidi dijo...

OMG! A few months ago I found what I thought was a dead tarantula in my sock drawer, only to later find out it was the exo-skeleton. He wasn't dead, he'd just grown bigger and was still aroudn.

heidi dijo...

Kiki just said "wow" four times in looking at the photo.