martes, 23 de enero de 2007

7 or 8 habits

So it seems that I am now obligated to listen to an audio file of 'The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People' and then read the follow up 'The 8th Habit'. It all started harmlessly enough. The Señora of my casa is the critical point in a love triangle, composed of her, her business associate Rodolfo and her boyfriend Jorge. They are part of the parade of people who come through the house and the café she owns, although because they were on 'una pausa' when I first showed up, I didn't meet Jorge for about a week. When Jorge re-entered the scene, Rodolfo said he never wanted to see la señora again, but he was at lunch the next day. Anyway, as far as I can tell, Rodolfo makes very little effort to be understandable to me in spanish, maybe because his real desire is to practice his english with me. At first I didn't mind too much because I was eager for the opportunity to show that I am not a complete dumbass. But then he quickly steered conversation to 'The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People' and offered to make me a copy of the audio files if I furnished a blank disk. So then each time I saw him after that, it was 'do you have the disk?'. So I got the disk, then it took several queries before I handed it over, and so now that I have the files I think the next line of questioning is going to be whether or not I've listened to it yet. So to keep things smooth I'd have to listen to the disk, I reckon. The practicing english kind of irks me, because I would be unintelligable to him in english if I spoke at my normal rate. But I speak in a way to be understandable to him, while he doesn't do that for me in Spanish. Possible self-absorption. In him, not in me. My own is already well known. Anyway, maybe these 7 or 8 habits will prove to be useful, as I've already been using a trick I learned from the Simpson's episode where Bart gets a copy of 'The 7 Habits of Highly Effective Pre-Teens'. When someone (a time suck or something like that) comes in your work space and starts talking, talking, talking and you want to get back to work, you stand up and thank them for dropping by and accompany them to the door. And I think I've been dismissed in the same manner as well. Maybe there are some other gems awaiting me?

2 comentarios:

13 dijo...

haha! 7 habits. We had to read that when I worked at LECG.

Though I've found that the one lesson learned from the Highly Effective Habits of Pre-teens was more valuable than the original work. I still use it to this day. Thank you Laurel for enlightening me on that one.

heidi dijo...

It's good you are doing grammer now. I guess that was the point of switching the teachers weekly. I bet this senora has the reputation among the foreign students of being the hard a--.

I wonder why he wants you to listen to that CD so badly?